Thursday, February 14, 2013

Weary Walkers in Wellington

What a wonderful day we have had in this beautiful New Zealand capital city! We walked out the front door of our hotel this morning right into the Wellington Botanic Garden. We saw a combination of familiar flowers like geraniums, lilies, and hydrangeas, mixed with some New Zealand plants in danger of extinction. There was a great variety of local trees along with the lovely norfolk pines that I love.

After morning tea, including cottage pie (ground beef and potato), we rode the cable car down into the city. Our walking tour took us to the Parliament buildings (with a peek at the Parliament Chamber), past Old St. Paul's wooden gothic church, a walk along the waterfront, past the Civic Square and on to the Te Papa Museum. We closed the gift shop (surprise, surprise) and then headed for our hotel. We were lured into a local eatery, The General Practioner, for fish and chips and beer. The Golden Arches are providing our source of Wifi. Thank you! Now we can go go back and put our feet up!

Here are a few photos from our day. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. So nice to get a small taste/feeling of Wellington!

    Did you get the news about the meteorite that crashed in Russia and also the fly-by of the asteroid? Lots going on/flying by.
