Saturday, February 9, 2013

Play Flip the Continent!

While Massachusetts was getting belted by snow, we continued our trip south today through Northern Queensland from Cairns to Townsville. Most of our trip was on the Tablelands, slightly inland from the ocean and through gorgeous "wet tropics" rainforest, mountains and paddocks (pastures and farmlands).

In your mind (or maybe looking at an atlas), flip the United States upside down, bottom to top so that Florida is where Maine should be, in the northeast corner. Notice where Queensland is on the continent of Australia: in the northeast corner. Well, today was a little bit like driving through tropical Florida but in the northeast of the country! There were remarkable trees (such as the Curtain Fig Tree), banana plants, mile upon mile of sugarcane, rainfall alternating with beautiful cloud-filled blue skies...

On the map of the world you can see that Queensland is about as far south of the equator as Florida and the Caribbean is north: both tropical.

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